Craft, Boutique, & Specialty Division

SweetWater Pulled Porter


On the farm way too long, Ol’ McDanko began showing some worrisome tendencies. Following a solid session in the hot box smoking malt, he was overcome by a methane cloud emitted from the herd. Ya heard? Reaching for the hops, he goofed and grabbed porky by the e-i-e-i-oh and plopped her in the brew kettle slow and low – that is the tempo.

Knock knock – who’s there? It’s McDanko’s inbred neighbor,

Gert Reynolds, swinging by delivering his deliverance with some fat back here and some fat back there. Stepping out past some Foxy brothers picking a banjo on the porch to sample his wares, McDanko, doubled over the chopping block and squealed like a pig – wieii wieii – proclaiming this to be the most bodacious bacon beer brewed this side of the Chattoog-a!